Paralyzed at birth, I wasn’t supposed to live. Months later I overcame the paralysis, only to knock on death’s door again at age seven. And again in college. And again hiking with my son in the Grand Tetons.
With a thirst for adventure, and an almost miraculous inability to die, I began to realize I was still alive for a reason. Was that reason my positive attitude? An indomitable mind-set? A God in the universe moving cosmic chess pieces in my favor? Why was I alive?
I came to discover my purpose, my reason for being, and the key to living a miraculous, impossible life without limits. I share my story with you, so that you might discover the key to living your own adventurous, miraculous life . . . without limits.
~ Richard Kirchner
Your new beginning

Richard Neil Kirchner,
author and speaker
You have a Power with you and within you, and it's always been there.
I almost died, several times, before I found it.
When you open your heart to it, you'll find it too.
I can share with you what I learned . . . and help you discover your purpose
so you’ll start to live without limits.

The 90-mph car crash where Richard was shot out the back window . . . and came to without a scratch. Luck, or miracle?

The mountain in Austria Richard skied off of . . . and landed below with nothing broken, not even a bruise. Luck, or miracle?

As a knowledgeable, faith-based speaker, he enables rapt audiences to discover their own purpose.

The 90-mph car crash where Richard was shot out the back window . . . and came to without a scratch. Luck, or miracle?
Touch or hover on slideshow
to read more about Richard and events that he miraculously survived.